Workshop Series

Our workshops are interactive, informative meetings covering specific topics in the realm of synthetic biology. Come learn a myriad of useful skills with applications in wet-lab and computational modeling!

Workshops will start back up in the fall!

Past Workshops

Intro to Synthetic Biology
& Differential Equations

Receive a warm welcome into the world of synthetic biology and learn about some applications! Then we will dive right into differential equations and how they are used to model genetic circuits in synbio.

Python Crash Course

Programming is essential to computational subsets of synthetic biology. In this workshop, we will introduce you to one of the most popular and versatile languages.

Bacterial Cloning and Transfection

Learn how and why we use bacterial cloning and transfection in synthetic biology. This workshop also features an overview of bioreactors and their uses!

Stochastic Processes
& Gillespie's Algorithm

Stochastic processes are commonly found in biology, such as in the randomness of DNA mutations. We will cover how these differ from deterministic processes, and go into Gillespie's algorithm for chemical reactions as stochastic events.

Using Python for Modeling
with ODE's

Learn how to use mechanistic differential equations to model systems with Python. This features a series of examples using Google Colab notebooks.

Intro to Arduino

Learn what Arduino is and what it can do! This features some circuitry and coding background as well as interactive examples.